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Manatee County Animal Welfare

5718 21st Avenue West, Bradenton, FL 34209

941-742-5933, ext. 8370

Pet Breeder Application Form

Instructions: Please complete all sections of this application. Incomplete applications will be returned. Attach any required supporting documents. Applications are subject to approval by the Manatee County Animal Welfare Division. 

Applicant Information

Full Name

Mailing Address (if different from business address)

Business Information

Facility Location (if different from business address)

Describe the Breeding Facility

Type of Structure

Regulatory Compliance

Have you been convicted of animal cruelty, neglect or any related crimes?

Do you comply with all applicable State and local animal welfare laws and regulations?

Please provide a copy of your current business license, zoning approval (if applicable) and any other documentation required by the County.

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Operational Details

Do you provide veterinary care for the animals?

Please provide the name of the veterinarian

Signature & Affirmation

I, the undersigned, affirm that all the information provided on this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to the breeding of animals in Manatee County.

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